Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Project 3 Artists

 Digital Surrealist: Archan Nair "Gaia" really caught my eye because I like how he used all the objects together to make the girl look like she is taking a bath. But yet he has a road going around her and the tin tube is leaking making a lake for the city. I like the use of the bright colors popping out of the top it gives it attitude. I think he is different from Dali because he makes everything look real. Dali and Nair could have the same affect because they both used landscape in their backgrounds.
Traditional Surrealist: Salvador Dali "The Persistence of Memory", Dali was devoted to a passionate intensity and described his method as 'paranoiac-critical".With this method he demonstrate his personal obsession and fantasies by uncovering hidden forms within preexisting ones. This piece of art catches my eye all the time because I like how he uses the clocks and to me it makes me feel that you better do something in life or your time my run out. I think he did a real good job on making the objects look like they are melting away. This piece makes me realize how much time one person can waste away if they just sit around and do nothing in life.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Project 2

This photo is about where I spend most of my time during my art courses, which would be mostly in the Spafford Hallway or the Mac Lab doing homework and talking to friends.